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Another TSA Officer Leaves

wurong posted @ 2015年5月03日 16:59 in 未分类 , 114 阅读

Another TSA Officer Leaves Personalized Note In Passenger's Bag After Finding Marijuana

I'm a privacy pragmatist, writing about the intersection of law, technology, social media and our personal information. PGP key here.

These days, I'm a senior online editor at Forbes. I was previously an editor at Above the Law, a legal blog, relying on the legal knowledge gained from two years working for corporate law firm Covington Burling a Cliff's Notes version of law school. at the Washington Examiner. I also spent a few years traveling the world managing educational programs for international journalists for the National Press Foundation.

I have few illusions about privacy feel free to follow me on Twitter: kashhill, subscribe to me on Facebook, Circle me on Google+, or use Google Maps to figure out where the Forbes San Francisco bureau is, and come a knockin'.

Apparently, a TSA officer getting fired for leaving a personalized note in a passenger's bag has not deterred other employees at the Transportation Security Administration from editorializing on the contents of the bags they screen. This time, though, the TSA officer did the passenger a favor, by not turning him in for traveling with illegal substances. Indiana rapper Freddie Gibbs had packed marijuana in his checked luggage; when his bag was screened, the TSA officer must have noted Gibbs' unique interpretation of the "mile high club." On the official note informing Gibbs that his bag had been inspected, the officer allegedly wrote, "C'mon son." fake oakleys outlet

Gibbs did not take the avuncular advice very seriously, instead providing photographic evidence of his possession and transportation of illegal substances over state lines via Twitter:

Gibbs tweeted about the note on Wednesday, likely after flying to Denver to perform that night. While certainly a less intrusive note than "Get Your Freak On, Girl" (the one left by a TSA officer who discovered a vibrator), I imagine this TSA officer is going to get into double trouble for both leaving the note, and failing to act after finding something illegal in someone's bag.

" TSA takes all allegations of inappropriate conduct seriously and is investigating this claim," says a spokesperson for the TSA. " Should the claims be substantiated, TSA will take appropriate disciplinary steps and refer the alleged possession of an illegal substance to law enforcement."

Friends, this is why we don't tweet evidence that can be used against us (and those who did us a favor) in a court of law.

Given that two notes to figures with large online audiences have surfaced, I'm now starting to wonder how often other people (without Twitter accounts or blogs to showcase their notes) are getting personalized messages from officers.

We already waste enough time resources arresting almost 800,000 people every year for marijuana possession (yes, that's true, straight from the FBI annual Uniform Crime Report for nationwide arrest statistics). Christian Louboutin Sale

Meanwhile, do a quick search of your local sex offender online registry to see how many rapists were released from prison and moved into your neighborhood, because we release violent predators just to make bed space in jail for people who inhale smoke from a plant and get lazy from it.

TSA has enough to do, with trying to prevent terrorist hijackings, weapons, and other dangers to airline passengers. And frankly, the extent of privacy violations that includes photographing adults and children through their clothing is already bad enough, we don't need to add warrantless policing to the list. cheap oakleys

It's worth checking out the court opinion that kyllo links, in which a federal judge suppressed evidence in that case, lots and lots of cash that was found during a TSA screen, because the search violated the passenger's right to be free of unreasonable searches. The TSA flagged an Ohio passenger for secondary screening and then did a thorough hand search of his bag, after already having ascertained there were no weapons or explosives on him or in his bag. While ruling for the passenger in that case, the judge does say it shouldn't be interpreted as a universal right to carry 'safe' contraband in your bags when traveling. "The mere fact that contraband other than weapons or explosives is found during an airport screening search does not itself render the search unconstitutional," wrote the judge. Louboutin Replicas

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